Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Activity Center Plans

At the December 12th, 2007 Columbia Heights City Council meeting, our Big Government Council revealed their plans to bypass the referendum process (us) to fund a frivolous activity center. The same activity center citizens voted down a few years ago in a special election called one month after a general election. With opposing citizens having only one months notice of the special election, our Big Government Council thought there would be no chance for the citizen majority to organize. The center was amazingly voted down by 70% to 30%, despite Big Government tricks.

The Council reminded citizens that the unwanted center has been in the works for 20 years. At the same meeting, our Big Government Council stated that the Fire and Police Department facilities have also been substandard/unsafe for at least 20 years. City Hall is connected directly to the fire and police facilities. That means that for 20 years our Council has known about the inadequate facilities. This has exposed our fine city employees to potential harm. Only now, this year, is this sad situation being addressed.

Imagine being a police or fire department employee and listening to our Big Government City Council for 20 years talk about an unneeded activity center. All that time our hard working city employees risked being harmed in their own facilities.

Our Big Government City Council should stop giving out freebies (bribes) to special interest voters to get reelected and start thinking about the city's employees' safety and about the services Cities are supposed to provide. No where in the City Charter do I see that the City Council's main job or job at all is development. At election time remember the one Councilman who voted no on the activity center and who believes in us. Vote out the Big Government rascals who think citizens of Columbia Heights need to be bottle fed. Small government is beautiful.

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